Want to Know the Minimum Qualifications for Teachers & Academic Staff !
The 2025 revised Regulations replace the 2018 Regulations
Highlights of Draft Minimum Qualifications for Appointment & Promotion of Teachers & Academic Staff in Universities & Colleges Regulations 2025, which include separate pathways for artists & sportspersons & transparency in the selection of VCs
The 2025 revised Regulations replace the 2018 Regulations and provide more flexibility to universities in appointing teachers and faculty members
Highlights of the Draft
Candidates can be teacher in any subject if they qualify with NET T/SET, even if it is different from their undergraduate or postgraduate studies. Their Ph.D. subject will be considered their main specialty, regardless of their earlier studies
Indian languages are to be promoted in the publication of book chapters, publication of books, and also in academic degrees.
HEIs shall use a transparent process for short-listing candidates for direct recruitment and promotion
A novel criterion, “Notable Contributions has been included as one of the eligibility criteria.
To attract the best talents from fields such as Yoga, Music, Performing arts, Visual arts, and other traditional art forms, a separate recruitment pathway has been created
Accomplished sportspersons, Including sportspersons sportspersons with disabilities, are provided opportunities to opt for the teaching profession.
The selection of Vice Chancellor has been revised making it more transparent & effective